Protein and Amino Acid Deficiency
Uncomplicated protein for amino acid deficiency probably never occurs in man.
The disease syndrome of kwashiorkor first described in 1933 is believed to be due to protein deficiency, but it occurs to varying degrees in conjunction with calorie deficiency.
For this reason the term protein-calorie malnutrition is preferred to the more limiting terms, kwashiorkor or marasmus.
The disease syndrome is variable source the degree in both calorie and protein malnutrition, as well as the nutrients, will influence the biochemical and clinical changes.
In uncomplicated protein deficiency, for example, protein catabolism should be minimal when total energy is the limiting factor, however, protein catabolism must increase to cover energy needs.
Severe marasmus or choric starvation , is characterized by growth retardation , loss of body fat, and muscle wasting.
When total caloric intake has been adequate or nearly adequate, as is possible when starchy low protein foods are dietary staples, the symptoms are more toward changes associated with protein deficiency pellagra-type dermatitis, fatty liver, changes in texture and pigmentation of hair, gastro intestinal disturbances and diarrhea with resulting loss of electrolytes.
The lesion appears to be the result of a deficiency of amino acid for protein synthesis and indeed most of the symptoms can attributed to reduced synthesis.
Protein and Amino Acid Deficiency
Uncomplicated protein for amino acid deficiency probably never occurs in man.
The disease syndrome of kwashiorkor first described in 1933 is believed to be due to protein deficiency, but it occurs to varying degrees in conjunction with calorie deficiency.
The disease syndrome is variable source the degree in both calorie and protein malnutrition, as well as the nutrients, will influence the biochemical and clinical changes.
In uncomplicated protein deficiency, for example, protein catabolism should be minimal when total energy is the limiting factor, however, protein catabolism must increase to cover energy needs.
Severe marasmus or choric starvation , is characterized by growth retardation , loss of body fat, and muscle wasting.
When total caloric intake has been adequate or nearly adequate, as is possible when starchy low protein foods are dietary staples, the symptoms are more toward changes associated with protein deficiency pellagra-type dermatitis, fatty liver, changes in texture and pigmentation of hair, gastro intestinal disturbances and diarrhea with resulting loss of electrolytes.
The lesion appears to be the result of a deficiency of amino acid for protein synthesis and indeed most of the symptoms can attributed to reduced synthesis.
Protein and Amino Acid Deficiency