In most UK diets approximately 6% of dietary fiber is provided by fruit and vegetables. The dietary fiber found in these foods is mainly in the form of cellulose, hemicelluloses and pectin.
Dietary fiber can be defined as the skeletal remains of plants cells that are resistant to digestion by the enzymes. There are two types of dietary fiber-soluble and insoluble.
Bananas are rich in soluble fibers.
Bananas and plantains are frequently used as a source of fiber. Dependent on the cultivar and method of extraction, a fresh banana plant yields about 0.6 – 1.0% fiber.
Banana peel is a rich source of dietary fiber which is 50% on a dry matter basis.
Dietary fiber in bananas
Nutrition is a scientific discipline that encompasses a structured body of knowledge. It includes various fields such as clinical nutrition, community nutrition, public health, food policy, and food science. At its core, nutrition is the study of how the body utilizes food. It is essential to life. Understanding nutrition enables us to make better dietary choices by determining the necessary nutrient intake, identifying optimal food sources, and recognizing beneficial or harmful food components.
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