Saturday, January 14, 2017

How the human body burns calories

Each day the average adult human body burns roughly 2,300 calories. This is considered Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) BMR is the amount energy the body expend, while at rest on a daily basis.

If a man consume 3,000 calories for example, the body will burn the 2,3000 calories it needs and stores the remaining 700 as fat.

Homeostasis, body temperature regulation, central nervous system function, hormone and chemical production and electrolyte balance, as swell as every day function needed for life, are part of the resting metabolic rate.

The higher the metabolic rate the more calories the body burns and the easier it is to maintain a healthy bodyweigth and composition. The human body burns calories in two ways.

The first way is through involuntary activate, such as the beating of the heart, the inhaling of oxygen and maintanance of body temperature.

The second is through voluntary activities such as exercising and moving around throughout the day.

Another larger user energy is the thermal effect of feeding (TEF), or the amount of calories needed to eat, digest and distribute food fuels.

This requirements varies with the type of food digested as well as with the body composition of then individual.
How the human body burns calories

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